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How Telgorithm Streamlines TCR 10DLC Registration

Written by: Aaron Alter

Local Number Registration

If you’ve been wanting to enjoy the benefits of running compliant 10-digit long code (10DLC) text messaging traffic for your business but have been holding off out of fear that the registration process is too complex and time-consuming, this article is for you. 

You already know that registered 10DLC traffic has better deliverability and receives higher throughput limits based on messaging use case, meaning the ROI upside is strong. You also know your pass-through fees for sending unregistered 10DLC traffic are up to 4X higher than registered, so you could be saving tons of money. What you may not know is that the registration process with the reputation authority for business messaging on 10DLC, The Campaign Registry (TCR), can be incredibly quick and painless if your API provider supports API-based registration. 

What is API-based Registration?

As early 10DLC adopters, we knew how important it would be to make the registration process as quick and painless for our customers as possible. We decided to streamline the entire process. When you integrate with Telgorithm APIs, you’re able to integrate directly with TCR’s API. So instead of entering your customers’ information in two places – Telgorithm and TCR – you only need to enter the info on TCR. This is an API-based registration. 

Most vendors aren’t currently supporting this quasi-API model, which means their customers are having to enter the information manually. Manual setups are always risky – human errors such as typos and longer processing times goes up, making this a less than ideal solution. 

We’ve made streamlining possible through a tight integration with TCR. When our customers register as Campaign Service Providers (CSPs), TCR automatically sends Telgorithm the information, which we then auto-import to the CSP’s (our customer’s) Telgorithm account. 

Why It Matters

The most obvious answer is that streamlining registration saves your team a great deal of time, especially considering that all of your customers (Brands) likely have multiple Campaigns (use cases) to register. It also helps to eliminate human errors and delays, increasing reliability and efficiency. But an important benefit that we like to point out with API-based registration is that you have more privacy protection. Information such as a business’ EIN number will only be shared with TCR – a messaging API provider doesn’t need access to that information. 

Find out how much time and money Telgorithm’s streamlined registration process could save your business by scheduling a demo with one of our A2P 10DLC experts today!

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