websightsBenefits of Being Campaign Service Provider (CSP) with The Campaign Registry (TCR)

FREE GUIDE: Preparing Customers for the Unregistered A2P 10DLC Cut Off

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The Perks of Being Registered with The Campaign Registry as a Campaign Service Provider

the perks of being registered with tcr as a csp

The year is 2022 – your company leverages A2P text messaging for [enter use case here]. Your team decided to run part or all of your messaging traffic on 10-digit long code (10DLC) or local numbers after discovering it’s cheaper than Toll-Free. You then got that 10DLC traffic registered with The Campaign Registry (TCR) to secure higher throughputs, improve deliverability, and cut out high pass-through fees. You made the wise – no, the brilliant – decision to register as a Campaign Service Provider (CSP) instead of acting as a Reseller (more on this here). If this sounds familiar, it’s time to raise a glass – you’ve already set your SMS and MMS messaging up to be more secure and lucrative in 2023! 

There are three awesome things that you did that will yield immediate cost savings and ROI upside:

  1. You’re using 10DLC. As the newest messaging solution (compared to short code and toll-free), there’s been some expected hesitation around migrating to 10DLC, also known as local numbers. However, the benefits of using 10DLC versus toll-free, the current industry favorite, are too good to pass up. Sending SMS and MMS messaging from 10DLC simply costs less than on toll-free, and inbound messages are free. Plus, you receive the same (or in some cases, higher) throughput limits on 10DLC. And finally, region-specific phone numbers can feel more personalized (and less spammy) to recipients. All that to say, good choice.  
  2. You’re registered with TCR. With 10DLC being relatively new to the scene, the concept of registration and the sole registration provider, The Campaign Registry, are also new. We’ve encountered two misconceptions about registration repeatedly in 2022: it’s too complex or difficult to do, and it’s unnecessary. First, the registration process can actually be very straightforward, but it’s important that your messaging API provider supports API-based registration so that you’re able to integrate directly with TCR’s APIs (this is how Telgorithm has completely streamlined the registration process). And second, registering 10DLC traffic is 100% necessary for optimal A2P messaging. Running unregistered traffic means you’re paying up to 4X higher pass-through fees, plus you have lower throughput limits and risk dropped or blocked messages. All of that eats away at any messaging ROI and can cause disruptions for your business or your customers. We commend you for registering. ;) 
  3. You’re a CSP. This is where you really shine, because it’s easy to buy into the idea that acting as a Reseller so your API provider can register on your behalf is easier or more efficient than registering as a CSP. Long story short, it’s not. The same steps are required for both CSPs and Resellers, but as a CSP, you are the primary user of TCR and will maintain ownership of your Brands and Campaigns, not your API provider. Any additional Brand vetting fees that are paid will be saved under your CSP profile, so you don’t have to repay those fees each time you migrate to another API provider. Being fully reliant on one API provider can make you vulnerable to provider outages or can hinder your messaging strategy. As a CSP, you have the flexibility to easily multithread and be more structurally flexible to the benefit of you and your customers. Cheers to that! 

Don’t Let This Slow You Down, Though

You’ve done all the right things to supercharge your SMS and MMS messaging efforts in 2023, but be aware of how your messaging API provider manages TCR and Carrier throughput limits. For T-Mobile messaging traffic in particular, many businesses have experienced dropped or blocked messages (that they’re still having to pay for) because their providers are lifting the ceiling and sending all messages at once. This happens because T-Mobile monitors messages sent per day at a Brand level. It’s much easier for providers to simply cap messages (the antiquated approach to avoid exceeding throughput limits on Verizon and AT&T) than to queue messages. 

At Telgorithm, we never lift the ceiling or cap messages. We developed smart queueing technology that auto-tracks your approved throughput limits and auto-manages your traffic going to the end user’s Carriers, sending messages at exact rates to achieve 100% message deliverability. 

You just paid for registration to unlock higher throughputs – make sure you’re actually getting what you paid for. Schedule a demo with one of our 10DLC experts to learn how our smart queueing tech can maximize your benefits as a CSP and help you achieve 100% message deliverability.

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